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Waves Nx Virtual Studio Collection  價格比國外官網更便宜 

Get access to the acoustics and monitoring systems of world-famous mixing rooms, on any pair of stereo headphones – so you can mix with confidence, wherever you are.

From L.A. to New York to Nashville, the Nx Virtual Studio Collection brings together precision acoustic models of multiple world-class studios. Put on your favorite headphones, and enter Ocean Way Nashville, Chris Lord Alge’s Mix LA, Germano Studios New York (originally The Hit Factory), and the original Nx Virtual Mix Room – so you can perfect your mixes in acoustically superior mixing environments.

Now you can make your best decisions about balance, stereo image and panning, mix depth, low-end response, reverb usage, and more. Get reliable perspective as you cross-check your mixes in trustworthy acoustic reference environments, expertly tuned to ensure that your work translates properly to all systems.

Each Nx plugin comes complete with several monitoring systems from the original studios, emulating the acoustic response of studio classics including NS10s, high-end Ocean Way and Exigy monitors, and more.

Trusted by tens of thousands of producers and mixing engineers, all Nx plugins are powered by Waves’ pioneering Nx technology for immersive spatial audio. Waves Nx uses channel crosstalk, inter-aural delays (ITD), filters (ILD), early reflections, and head motion tracking to replicate the immersive experience of hearing audio in the real world. All these are coupled with precision measurements of the actual studios, to deliver a faithful three-dimensional representation of the original acoustic experiences.


  為什麼帝米可以比官網更便宜 !  

1.帝米為 Waves 公司海外簽約經銷商。



Waves Nx Virtual Studio Collection 內含以下軟體:

  • Waves CLA Nx
  • Waves Nx – Virtual Mix Room over Headphones
  • Waves Nx Germano Studios New York
  • Waves Nx Ocean Way Nashville

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品牌故事 Since 2009 

帝米數位音樂成立於 2009 年,由林威廷老師創立。帝米音樂具備 10 年以上的教學經歷,代理各項國內外熱門的 MIDI 鍵盤、錄音介面、麥克風以及音樂製作軟體,更是獨家代理國外專業品牌,如:FL Studio、ALESIS、MOTU、Antelope、GIK Acoustics 等。帝米多年來維持高度專業、完善售後服務,目前擁有全台灣最大的數位音樂實體門市及網路商店,絕對是陪伴你音樂創作道路上最重要的夥伴。



Waves Audio,一家具有26年歷史的效果器軟體公司,以專業的音訊技術和聲音效果聞名的開發供應商,廣泛地致力於錄製、混音、母帶製作、後期製作、廣播系統和現場音效。旗下最有名效果器的包括 Abbey Road 系列、SSL 系列、CLA 系列以及 H-Reverb、X-Noise、Vocal Rider 和 J37 磁帶模擬器等等。



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