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Sound Particles Space Controller Standard Plugin 效果器  

Space Controller is the best way to pan sounds in surround and immersive. Simply connect your mobile device to a DAW, use it as a movement reader and pan the sounds to where you’re pointing.

Control panning with the palm of your hand
By connecting a mobile device and its motion sensors with any DAW, our patent pending technology offers a highly efficient and intuitive way to control sounds with the palm of your hand. Every movement you can imagine is now possible, easier than ever – and just a touch away.

Revolutionize the way you pan your sounds
Panning with knobs in stereo is perfectly fine. However, when working with surround or 3D sound, even when using joysticks, it’s much harder to get the results we're looking for. Space Controller is a plugin and an app, that together allow you to pan sound from stereo to any immersive format, either in a home studio or mixing stage.

Cube and Sphere Modes
If you are working with Ambisonics, VR or other sphere-related workflows, the Sphere Mode is perfect for you. If you prefer a more traditional approach, the Cube Mode is the one you’re looking for.

Space Controller allows you to control sound as: a single mono source, independent channels, rotating entire soundfields, or mirror-like approaches. The plugin gives you the best accuracy and smoothness to control exactly where you want sounds to go.

It is possible to either use the same mobile device to control multiple tracks or use multiple mobile devices to control different channels. Imagine using two devices at the same time: one for the left channel and another for the right channel. The more devices, the more fun!

The Space Controller plugin and all the features it offers allow for absolute spatial freedom. So even without the mobile device and the app, it is still possible to use Space Controller as a regular 3D panner plugin.

Use Bluetooth to easily connect the mobile app to any system, with minimum effort. In the case of professional studios with computers located in different rooms, we advise using the Wi-Fi connection for seamless workflows.


Standard Version

  • Bluetooth
  • Stereo, Binaural, FOA, 5.1
  • Perfect for a Home Studio

Studio Version

  • Wi-Fi + Bluetooth
  • Any format
  • Perfect for a Mixing Stage


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品牌故事 Since 2009 

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Sound Particles 效果器

Sound Particles 是音訊技術行業領先的創新公司,其願景是利用電腦圖形學的力量應用於聲音,並致力於創建尖端解決方案,供著名音樂家、遊戲公司和所有主流好萊塢工作室使用。包括《法櫃奇兵》、《奧本海默》、《碟中諜》、《超級瑪利歐兄弟電影》、《沙丘》、《怪奇物語》、《權力遊戲》、《龍之家》、《冰雪奇緣》、《星際大戰》等。



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