KV331 Audio SynthMaster One 合成器 價格比國外官網更便宜
SynthMaster One is an easy to use wavetable synthesizer with an intuitive workflow. Although it shares the same engine with its bigger brother SynthMaster, it comes with new features like wavetable synthesis. With its simple layout, rich wavetable/waveform content and inspiring factory presets library, designing new sounds with SynthMaster One is a real joy. Watch our videos, listen to the audio demos and you'll see how easy it is to design sounds with this synth.
- Easy to use, drag and drop
- Single sreen, 2 main, 2 sub oscillators
- Contains lots of wavetables, waveforms
- 1250 world class factory presets
- External wavetables can be imported easily
為什麼帝米可以比國外官網更便宜 !
1.帝米為 KV331 Audio 公司海外簽約經銷商。