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Waves Magma Tube Channel Strip 效果器

NT$ 1,241

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Waves Magma Tube Channel Strip 效果器。



Waves Magma Tube Channel Strip 效果器  價格比國外官網更便宜 

Whatever you run through it, it just sounds BETTER

Sculpt your tracks with the rich, textured analog tube Magma sound—now available in a full channel strip covering your most crucial mixing needs: compression/gating, EQ and saturation.The Magma Channel is modeled on the detailed circuit behavior of carefully selected vintage valve tube hardware, using the same Waves True Valve Modeling technology that was utilized to create the massively successful BB Tubes plugin.Now you can shape your complete tone and dynamics quickly, with the authentic, warm, classic tube sound that defines the Waves Magma family of plugins.

Magma Channel is built for speed: just a few no-nonsense knobs for drive/saturation, EQ lows, mids, and highs, compression and expansion/gating—each knob carefully designed to hit a sweet spot no matter where you turn it.

The Magma Tube Channel Strip is perfect for any vocal, instrument, or bus. As Grammy-winning mix engineer Jacquire King says, “Whatever you run through it, it just sounds better!”

Add depth and dimension to flat digital tracks, with maximum warmth and clarity. Give silky top end and super-fat bottom to any vocal or instrument. Glue your overall mix together with Magma’s combination of warm drive and compression. Magma Channel is also a great vibe plugin for smashing drums, shaping guitars and synths, getting a classic bass tone, or sculpting lofi loops.

Magma Channel includes three channel strip modules:

  • Input drive/saturation: Going from subtle saturation to full-on harmonic distortion, with a warm, in-your-face, soft clipping sound that jumps out of the speakers.
  • 3-Band musical EQ: Magma’s streamlined EQ section allows quick tone shaping—don’t worry about numbers, just trust your ears. The EQ section includes High and Low shelves, plus a Mid wide bell knob with sweepable frequency control.
  • Dynamics: The single-knob compressor goes from gentle glue to full aggressive pump. Turn SMASH on for extra explosiveness, with a higher compression ratio and quick attack and release. The expander/gate will help you get a tighter sound with greater focus and clarity.

Magma Channel comes with hundreds of artist presets by dozens of top producers, mixing and mastering engineers, including Jacquire King, Greg Wells, Joe Chiccarelli, Lu Diaz, Neal H Pogue, Richard Chycki, ‘Pooch’ Van Druten, Matt Schaeffer, Jeff Ellis, and dozens more.With Magma, you can stay focused on your creative vision and nail your sound quickly, with beautiful analog texture and tone on any track.


   為什麼帝米可以比官網更便宜 !  

1.帝米為 Waves 公司海外簽約經銷商。


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品牌故事 Since 2009 

帝米數位音樂成立於 2009 年,由林威廷老師創立。帝米音樂具備 10 年以上的教學經歷,代理各項國內外熱門的 MIDI 鍵盤、錄音介面、麥克風以及音樂製作軟體,更是獨家代理國外專業品牌,如:FL Studio、ALESIS、MOTU、Antelope、GIK Acoustics 等。帝米多年來維持高度專業、完善售後服務,目前擁有全台灣最大的數位音樂實體門市及網路商店,絕對是陪伴你音樂創作道路上最重要的夥伴。



Waves Audio,一家具有26年歷史的效果器軟體公司,以專業的音訊技術和聲音效果聞名的開發供應商,廣泛地致力於錄製、混音、母帶製作、後期製作、廣播系統和現場音效。旗下最有名效果器的包括 Abbey Road 系列、SSL 系列、CLA 系列以及 H-Reverb、X-Noise、Vocal Rider 和 J37 磁帶模擬器等等。




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