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Sonnox Toolbox ListenHub Native

NT$ 2,549

Sonnox Toolbox ListenHub Native





Sonnox Toolbox ListenHub Native  價格比國外官網更便宜 

From bedroom to pro, producers and mixers are looking for a convenient way to quickly reference commercial tracks and gain more insight into their mix. Ensure your mix stands strong against your favourite productions using ListenHub for macOS. Use it to easily A/B against songs from any streaming source such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube or your own media player. Instantly listen to just the mid or sides, low-mids or highs and discover if your dynamics are competitive or crushed. ListenHub’s unique set of monitoring tools gives you the insights to make better mixing decisions. Access ListenHub directly from your Mac or the free iOS and Android app for tablets and smartphones. ListenHub takes the immediacy, flexibility and tactile nature of a hardware monitor controller and marries it with the complete transparency of software routing. It can be used as a zero-latency plugin or a system-wide app hosting AU plugins on each output. ListenHub is the audio control toolbox that places essential referencing and monitoring solutions at your fingertips.

  • Multiple simultaneous inputs to reference a variety of sources, your system audio, files imported into your DAW, and your in-process mix
  • Easily switch between multiple outputs for different sets of monitor speakers or headphones
  • Host AU plugins on any of the outputs, with any configuration
  • Band solos in conjunction with the spectral analyser to identify issues, or reference specific frequency ranges of mixes you like
  • Channel solo to check mono compatibility and stereo width
  • Stepped volume control for precise and repeatable listening levels
  • The Match Input Loudness button automatically corrects level differences between your reference tracks
  • ListenHub’s Auto-mute instantly catches loud bursts protecting your ears and your speakers
  • Want to ensure a dynamic and exciting mix? We’ll tell you if your mix is crushed, loud, competitive or lively
  • Use the Short-term LUFS meter to ensure a consistent level between different parts of your arrangement
  • Set your short-term loudness to the loudest part, and everything else will fall into place
  • Stop worrying about integrated loudness as each streaming service will apply loudness normalisation to your track, regardless. 


  為什麼帝米可以比官網更便宜 !  

1.帝米為 Sonnox 公司海外簽約經銷商。


 台灣總代理公司貨,原廠保固一年 (部分商品視原廠規定,擁有2年至10年保固)。 
 台灣最大數位音樂實體店面,現貨庫存,快速出貨 !
● 軟體類產品因無實體,故不會寄發產品保證卡。

台灣最大數位音樂實體店面 超大量現貨庫存,當日出貨 !

品牌故事 Since 2009 

帝米數位音樂成立於 2009 年,由林威廷老師創立。帝米音樂具備 10 年以上的教學經歷,代理各項國內外熱門的 MIDI 鍵盤、錄音介面、麥克風以及音樂製作軟體,更是獨家代理國外專業品牌,如:FL Studio、ALESIS、MOTU、Antelope、GIK Acoustics 等。帝米多年來維持高度專業、完善售後服務,目前擁有全台灣最大的數位音樂實體門市及網路商店,絕對是陪伴你音樂創作道路上最重要的夥伴。




Sonnox 是兼具創新與高品質,並屢獲殊榮的軟體效果器設計公司,旗下的軟體效果器廣泛應用於各種聲音處理,包括音樂製作、現場收音、廣播和電視以及電影的母帶後期處理。



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