McDSP ML4000 Mastering Limiter 價格比國外官網更便宜
The ML4000 is a high-resolution limiter and multi-band dynamics processor designed for music, mastering, post, and live sound.
The ML4000 is two plug-ins:
ML1 – Mastering Limiter
ML4 – Multi-band Gate, Expander, and Compressor fed into the ML1 mastering limiter
The ML1 mastering limiter uses a flexible brick wall look-ahead design coupled with multiple stages of limiting for superior peak detection. The unique Knee and Mode controls allow the ML1 to handle any kind of material with a variety of responses ranging from transparent to aggressive.
The ML4 multi-band dynamics processor includes a 4-band Gate, Expander (upwards or downwards), and Compressor fed into the same limiter algorithm found in the ML1. Each band’s Gate, Expander, and Compressor can be configured separately or linked together. Steep 24 dB/Oct crossover filters minimize signal leakage into adjacent bands. Multiple real-time metering options in each band allow quick visualization of all signal dynamics.
The ML4 crossover page shows the overall frequency response in real-time of the input, output, or total dynamics effect, on top of the graphically adjustable crossover frequencies.
Accurate output adjustment is fast and simple with output ceiling control, large meters, and meter level text readouts.
The ML4000 provides outstanding results with an intuitive user interface, flexible design, and powerful set of algorithms.
為什麼帝米可以比官網更便宜 !
1.帝米為 McDSP 公司海外簽約經銷商。