Eventide EQuivocate 效果器
Powerful & Precise Human Ear EQ Perfect for mixing and mastering, EQuivocate’s auditory filters and match EQ functionality make it incredibly powerful, simple to use, and natural-sounding. EQuivocate uses filters that are modeled on the human ear. Each of the 26 critical bands tickles a different part of your inner ear, making any combination of settings sound as natural as possible. Combining this with a linear-phase filter shape that reduces pre-echo makes EQuivocate an EQ with a difference you can hear. Use EQuivocate’s Match EQ feature to make the sound of your track match or complement the audio signal streamed to its sidechain. You can also use it to make a final master match the tone of a reference track, or help fit a sound into a dense mix and unlike other match EQ plug-ins, EQuivocate provides a transparent match without trying to model imperceptible differences which can cause a match EQ to sound unnatural. Feed your favorite song or individual track into it and instantly morph your tone to match. The 26 filters are distributed along the Mel Spectrum, but you can customize the filters and their frequencies. When combined with usability options like Automatic Level Compensation, Draw EQ Curve, and individual solos for each critical band, EQuivocate is as powerful as it is precise.
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1.帝米為 Eventide 公司海外簽約經銷商。