Addictive Drums 2: Heavy Rock Collection 爵士鼓音色庫 價格比國外官網更便宜
Addictive Drums 將世界上最好的爵士鼓音色直接帶入你的音樂中,強大的爵士鼓音色,將會改變你製作音樂的方式。Addictive Drums 提供了非常多的預設打擊 Presets,同時提供了超多超棒的擴充音色包以供不同曲風使用,從古典到搖滾,爵士到抒情,所有擴充套件都可以自由組合以及調整,就算你不會打鼓,也能直接使用內建的預設 Presets 功能,組合專業鼓手錄製好的打法,彷彿身為音樂製作人,在錄音室裡親自指揮鼓手演奏。
Rock drums, with the heavy turned up to 11
If you need drums with the power to cut through solid walls of guitars, the Heavy Rock collection has got your back, and whether you’re making grunge, sludge, doom, stoner rock, good honest hard rock or massive stadium anthems, the Heavy Beats & Songs and Loud MIDIpaks will have the perfect beats for you to build on.
We’ve captured the raw power of the United Heavy ADpak, with it’s mighty Pork Pie kit recorded in United Studio B, home to TOOL, Queens of the Stone Age, Foo Fighters, Green Day, Red Hot Chilli Peppers and many more, then added a snare made out of actual cymbal alloy, and the loud and luxurious sound of Black Velvet’s flagship DW kit, to make a collection sure to give your productions the edge they need. It’s like we captured the raw spirit of Heavy Rock drums and transformed it into a digital tool just for you.
為什麼帝米可以比官網更便宜 !
1.帝米為 XLN Audio 公司海外簽約經銷商。